
Kick it like Seth

Baseball ‘light’ with Seth Kreibich, our American language assistant

We have been spending a great year with Mr. Seth Kreibich, learning a lot about the USA. To complete the picture, we got special ‘VIP baseball coaching’. The perfect activity on a hot April summer’s day.

We gathered on the school’s sports grounds, where Seth introduced us to the ‘Kickball’ rules. In principle, it works like baseball. However, kickball is the simplified version played by Americans in their free time, at parties or in school yards. After initial challenges, everybody seemed to understand what they had to do.

As everybody was so eager and super involved, the ball kept flying round the field, as well as some of our shoes and students, too. The real hot American experience.

What’s more to say?

A big THANK YOU to Mr. Seth Kreibich for his enthusiasm and motivating, highly informative classes, which all students and teachers at our school greatly appreciate.